Leaders in sustainability and health. Distinguished at Oregon State.

a golden trophy with a globe floating above it

Oregon State University has named Yanyun Zhao and 艾米丽何 as its 2023 University Distinguished Professors, the highest academic honor the university can bestow on a faculty member.

Zhao and Ho have both been internationally recognized for their research. 赵的工作对食品包装的环境可持续性产生了影响. 他还发现了营养、控制慢性病和预防癌症之间的联系.

自1988年以来, 澳门威尼斯人娱乐场授予在国内和国际学术领域做出杰出贡献的教师大学杰出教授称号, research and creative work, teaching and mentoring, public engagement and service.

Distinguished Professor Lectures — Wednesday, May 24

赵和何将于5月24日(周三)在纪念联盟地平线厅发表演讲. Zhao will present at 8:30 a.m. and Ho will present at 3:30 p.m. A reception for both will take place at 5 p.m. 鼓励提前注册和亲自出席,所有讲座将被记录和记录 livestreamed.

Yanyun Zhao

Distinguished Professor of 食物 Science and Technology
College of Agricultural Sciences

Yanyun Zhao, Professor

What originally drew you to your field of study?

我的Ph值.D. 对先进食品包装技术的论文研究最初将我带入了包装的世界. 然而,了解可食用包装的可能性确实激发了我在这一领域的工作. Over a two-decade-long research journey, 我的研究范围已经大大扩展到其他可持续的解决方案,减少包装对环境的影响,为消费者提供方便和健康的好处.

What keeps you motivated at this stage in your career?

迫切的需求和巨大的机会,以改善今天的包装系统激励我在可持续包装的新发现不断创新. Having received a great deal of support during my time at OSU, I also feel motivated to invest more time and energy into mentoring, supporting and developing faculty and students at all levels.


我们可以用更可持续的解决方案取代塑料包装,更好地保护我们的环境和生态系统. Edible packaging not only results in zero packaging waste, but it can also provide additional benefits to food and consumers. 食物 and agricultural biowaste can be utilized to create edible, biodegradable and/or compostable packaging. Most importantly, 澳门威尼斯人娱乐场的技术创新可以在促进更可持续的未来中发挥作用.

What have you learned from your work that surprised you?

变废为宝的潜力——将食品制造和农业生产过程中产生的生物废物和副产品转化为高价值产品. 而我的实验室已经开发了一系列技术,将纤维素基生物废物转化为功能性食品成分和包装材料, 为了实现零浪费,需要做更多的工作——不仅要减少对环境的影响,还要为食品和农业行业提供经济效益.

What does the title Distinguished Professor mean to you?

I am very humbled to receive the title of Distinguished Professor. I feel proud to be recognized for my accomplishments and journey. I’m extremely grateful for the mentorship, 感谢每一位过去和现在的实验室成员对我职业生涯的支持和合作. 这个头衔也赋予我更强的责任感,在我的学术生涯和未来产生积极的影响.

Questions just for fun:

When did you arrive at Oregon State? 从哪里?

1996年,我从爱荷华州立大学(Iowa State University)来到澳门威尼斯人娱乐场,当时我的搭档在科瓦利斯(Corvallis)工作, first as a personal contract, 然后在澳门威尼斯人娱乐场食品创新中心担任助理教授(高级研究). 1999年,我离开澳门威尼斯人娱乐场,到康涅狄格大学担任终身教职. 2001年夏天,我回到澳门威尼斯人娱乐场,担任副教授和食品专家.

Where’s your favorite place to eat on campus?

West Dining Center. I love the dynamic environment and food choices there.

What are some of your hobbies?

Reading, hiking and cooking Chinese dishes.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Rome, Italy and Sydney, Australia. I love both ancient and modern architecture.


Be a clinical research physician.


Distinguished Professor of Nutrition
College of Public Health and Human Sciences


What originally drew you to your field of study?

As an undergraduate student at the University of Guelph, I took part in a summer laboratory fellowship. 在那里,我了解到氧化应激和抗氧化平衡对健康有很大的影响. This work drew me into the field of nutrition, where I started studying the health properties of compounds found in food.

What keeps you motivated at this stage in your career?

First, that there are burning questions left unanswered in nutrition. 在某些方面,营养科学很像探索一个未被发现的国家. 也, I am concerned with the amount of misinformation out there, especially around nutrition and health. 我们需要在教育人们了解我们所从事的工作方面做得更好——激励学生成为未来的领导者, and sharing science in different ways is hugely rewarding.


We are discovering new things every day. That often confuses people, because one day you hear about a scientific discovery about the food you eat, 第二天它可能会被反驳——但这只是一个不断发展的科学领域的本质. 这也是为什么找到一个你可以信任的营养信息来源是如此重要.

What have you learned from your work that surprised you?

我认为最神奇的事情之一就是吃正确的食物是多么的强大. 我们目前掌握的证据表明,某些癌症的发展是由不良的食物选择和营养不良造成的——几乎和吸烟一样多. 如果这还不能说明良好营养的力量,我不知道还有什么能说明了.

What does the title Distinguished Professor mean to you?

对我来说, 成为杰出教授不仅仅是对我们学术成就的认可,也是澳门威尼斯人娱乐场对我们在俄勒冈州的影响力投下的信任票, the nation and the world. I feel extremely honored to join the ranks of my heroes, 尤其是莱纳斯·鲍林研究所的许多教职员工,他们也获得了这一荣誉.

Questions just for fun:

When did you arrive at Oregon State? 从哪里?

2003年,我从加州大学伯克利分校来到澳门威尼斯人娱乐场. There, I was working with Dr. Bruce Ames, who is a giant in the world of nutrition and optimum health. Before that, I was at Ohio State University with Dr. Tammy Bray. 莱纳斯鲍林研究所和公共卫生与人文科学学院. Bray’s leadership were some of the big reasons I came to OSU.

Where’s your favorite place to eat on campus?

I have several! I love a good salad, so I often go over to e.Cafe to custom order whatever salad I want. 我也喜欢西餐厅提供的谷物碗(我在担任摩尔家庭中心主任时与UHDS合作). 然而, 莱纳斯·鲍林科学中心的一楼有一家非常不错的咖啡馆,叫做艾娃咖啡馆, and I like jumping down there for a tea and sandwich from time to time.

What are some of your hobbies?

I love to be active. 我在澳门威尼斯人娱乐场的教职员健身计划中教授有氧自由搏击课程,以获得乐趣. My kids and I are also big foodies.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Whenever I travel, I love to experience the local food. There are so many cultures around the world I would love to experience. I have a long list. But if you asked me today, 我很想和家人一起去意大利,和他们一起品尝意大利美食.


在我迷上营养和健康之前,我本来想成为一名兽医. I really love animals. My “third child” is Mr. B (aka Bruno), the rescue dog.